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Autor/inn/enKapitanoff, Susan; Pandey, Carol
TitelCollaborative Testing in Statistics: Group Interaction, Anxiety, and Class Performance
QuelleIn: Statistics Education Research Journal, 17 (2018) 2, S.51-67 (17 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterCooperative Learning; Academic Achievement; Test Anxiety; Social Sciences; Correlation; Statistics; Grade Point Average; Community Colleges; Two Year College Students; Mathematics Anxiety; Introductory Courses; Pretests Posttests; Group Dynamics; Scores; Gender Differences; State Trait Anxiety Inventory
AbstractSeventy-one students in two community college Statistics for the Social Sciences classes took six exams either individually or collaboratively. Assignment to test condition was randomly determined for each exam. Scores on collaboratively-taken exams were significantly higher than those for individually-taken exams, particularly for students with low GPAs and high test anxiety. Women's, but not men's, performances on the mid-term and final exams was related to the quality and quantity of their collaborative interactions. Thus, examining both quantity and quality of collaboration adds to our understanding of the underlying mechanisms of collaborative testing. (As Provided).
AnmerkungenInternational Association for Statistics Education and the International Statistical Institute. PO Box 24070, 2490 AB The Hague, The Netherlands. Tel: +31-70-3375737; Fax: +31-70-3860025; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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