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Autor/inTahir, Ismail
TitelThe Effect of Implementing the Experiential Learning Model in Listening Comprehension for the Eleventh Graders at SMAN 1 Telaga Biru
QuelleIn: Advances in Language and Literary Studies, 8 (2017) 5, S.46-50 (5 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterExperiential Learning; Listening Comprehension; Grade 11; Language Enrichment; Pretests Posttests; Foreign Countries; English (Second Language); Language Teachers; Experimental Groups; Class Activities; Academic Achievement; Second Language Learning; Malaysia
AbstractThis study is aimed to investigate the effectiveness of the experiential learning in listening comprehension with the focus on the implementation of the class story using language experience at SMAN 1 Telaga Biru. As the pre-experimental research, this study involved one class consisted of 27 students in the eleventh graders. However, most of the students of the eleventh graders in this school have some problems in their listening comprehension. This current research, therefore, aims at finding the result of the students' listening comprehension by using experiential learning in focusing on the class story using language experience for the eleventh graders at SMAN 1 Telaga Biru and defining the students' achievement in listening comprehension by using experiential learning focusing on the class story using language experience. This study also explored the learners' listening comprehension by analyzing the result of the students' pretest and post-test. It was found that the mean of the pre-test was 60 while the mean of the post-test was 80,6. By analyzing this result, it indicated that the post-test was higher than the pre-test. In conclusion, the finding of this research showed that teaching listening in the eleventh graders of SMAN 1 Telaga Biru using experiential learning in focusing on the class story using language experience was effective to teach students' listening comprehension. Therefore, it can be suggested that it was an alternative way to use of experiential learning focusing on the class story using language experience in teaching listening. (As Provided).
AnmerkungenAustralian International Academic Centre PTY, LTD. 11 Souter Crescent, Footscray VIC, Australia 3011. Tel: +61-3-9028-6880; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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