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Autor/inAl-Jarf, Reima
TitelEFL Female College Students and Instructors' Preferred Method of Speaking Assessment: A Perspective from Saudi Arabia
Quelle16 (2021) 3, S.38-51 (14 Seiten)Infoseite zur Zeitschrift
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ZusatzinformationORCID (Al-Jarf, Reima)
Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterEnglish (Second Language); Second Language Instruction; College Students; College Faculty; Females; Women Faculty; Language Teachers; Evaluation Methods; Foreign Countries; Preferences; Student Evaluation; Teacher Attitudes; Student Attitudes; Speech Skills; Oral Language; Speech Tests; Saudi Arabia
AbstractIntroduction: At the College of Languages and Translation (COLT), the students take four speaking courses in the first four semesters of college. In each course, they take two interim tests and a final exam. Aims: The study aims to find out which speaking assessment method EFL students and instructors at COLT prefer: Face to face, or lab testing, and reasons for their preferences. Procedures: Face-to-face assessment is the most common method at COLT. The students are tested individually. Each student randomly draws one topic from a basket and engages in a conversation or interview with the teacher who asks 3-5 questions about it. The test session for all the students lasts from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. non-stop. The second method is language lab testing used by few instructors where all the students take the test at the same time and they all answer the same set of questions in about 60 minutes. The lab test consists of several questions. The students read the printed questions, take short notes, then record their answers on an MP3 player. Results: Most students prefer lab assessment, whereas most instructors prefer face-to-face assessment. Students reported that lab test questions are comprehensive and help them improve their speaking skills better than face-to-face assessment. Testing conditions are the same. They are less anxious. They lose few marks if they miss a question. On the other hand, instructors reported that face-to-face test questions are easy and only cover part of the material. All students pass. Students are more anxious. Comparisons of students' test score showed that lab tests are more reliable, valid and have a better discriminating power between students who have mastered and those who have not mastered the speaking skills than face-to-face tests. Recommendations for effective speaking assessment methods are given. (As Provided).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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