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Autor/inLadson-Billings, Gloria
TitelCritical Race Theory in Education: A Scholar's Journey. Multicultural Education Series
Quelle(2021), (256 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterCritical Theory; Race; Misconceptions; Racial Bias; Educational History; Equal Education; Epistemology; Achievement Gap; Racial Differences; Educational Research; Multicultural Education; Desegregation Litigation; School Desegregation; Ethnicity
AbstractThis important volume brings together key writings from one of the most influential education scholars of our time. In this collection of her seminal essays on critical race theory (CRT), Gloria Ladson-Billings seeks to clear up some of the confusion and misconceptions that education researchers have around race and inequality. Beginning with her groundbreaking work with William Tate in the mid-1990s up to the present day, this book discloses both a personal and intellectual history of CRT in education. The essays are divided into three areas: Critical Race Theory, Issues of Inequality, and Epistemology and Methodologies. Ladson-Billings ends with a postscript that looks back at her journey and considers what is on the horizon for other scholars of education. Having these widely cited essays in one volume will be invaluable to everyone interested in understanding how inequality operates in our society and how race affects educational outcomes. Featured essays include: (1) Toward a Critical Race Theory of Education (with William F. Tate, IV); (2) Critical Race Theory: What It Is Not!; (3) From the Achievement Gap to the Education Debt: Understanding Inequality in U.S. Schools; (4) Through a Glass Darkly: The Persistence of Race in Education Research and Scholarship; (5) New Directions in Multicultural Education: Complexities, Boundaries, and Critical Race Theory; (6) Landing on the Wrong Note: The Price We Paid for Brown; (7) Racialized Discourses and Ethnic Epistemologies; and (8) Critical Race Theory and the Post-Racial Imaginary (with Jamel K. Donner). (As Provided).
AnmerkungenTeachers College Press. 1234 Amsterdam Avenue, New York, NY 10027. Tel: 800-575-6566; Fax: 802-864-7626; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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