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Autor/inTosun, Hasan
TitelFinancial Resources of State Universities in Turkey
Quelle(2020), (6 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterEducational Finance; State Universities; Budgets; Classification; Purchasing; Investment; Money Management; Expenditures; School Personnel; Financial Support; Resource Allocation; Foreign Countries; Turkey
AbstractIn Turkey, the financial resource of state universities is mainly depending to the national centralized budget. The amount of financial resources to a university is determined after end of a series negotiations with the central government for each year. The total budget of a state university is classified into five main headings: (1) personnel expenses, (2) Social Security Premium expenses, (3) purchase of goods and services, (4) current transfers and (5) capital investment. There are different classifications related to the categorization of universities in the world. One of them is college age. In other words, the foundation year is considered in the classification. In Turkey, 103 state universities were established between 1933 and 2011 during the Republic period. These universities are divided into six separate categories by the author according to their year of establishment. In the study the financial data belonging to the period 2010-2014 was utilized. According to these data, the state universities totally received TL 9.33 to 15.19 billion (US$ 5.94 to 7.91 billion) per year from the central budget in the working years. The paper summarizes the final data of a study performed on the share of the state budget of the state universities in Turkey and evaluates the distribution of state resources according to the university categories. (As Provided).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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