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Autor/inn/enTasçi, Samet; Aksu Ataç, Bengü
TitelWritten Grammatical Errors of Turkish Adult Learners of English: An Analysis
Quelle4 (2018) 1, S.1-13 (13 Seiten)
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ZusatzinformationORCID (Tasçi, Samet)
Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterEnglish (Second Language); Second Language Learning; Second Language Instruction; Error Analysis (Language); Native Language; Turkish; Grammar; Majors (Students); Undergraduate Students; Essays; Video Technology; Writing Evaluation; Evaluators; Taxonomy; Verbs; Form Classes (Languages); Interference (Language); Foreign Countries; Turkey
AbstractMaking errors is a natural process of language learning. As in all kind of learning, language learning also involves making errors. Research has shown that even in the first language acquisition process, children make countless errors. Similarly, adult learners of English will inevitably make errors until they have mastered the rules of target language. In this respect, this study was conducted to examine written grammatical errors of 2nd year Turkish students majoring in English Language Teaching at Anadolu University. First, related literature has been reviewed in the study. Both descriptive and qualitative research design has been used in order to collect data to be analyzed. The students were asked to write a narrative essay about a video they had watched. All the essays were analyzed one by one to identify all the grammatical errors of the students by three inter-raters. The raters identified grammatical errors manually and reached on a consensus in the categorization process. The only concern of the study was to analyze grammatical errors; this is why, ICLE/ Louvain Taxonomy of Errors (Diaz-Negrillo& Fernandez-Dominguez, 2006) was used partly in the categorization of the errors. The study reported that preposition errors were the most common grammatical errors among Turkish learners of English followed by respectively verb errors, article errors, word class errors, pronoun errors and others. In the light of previous literature, the findings indicate that interference effect and developmental process might have been the reason for the grammatical errors. (As Provided).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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