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Autor/inn/enCabell, Sonia Q.; Zucker, Tricia A.; DeCoster, Jamie; Copp, Stefanie B.; Landry, Susan
TitelImpact of a Parent Text Messaging Program on Pre-Kindergarteners' Literacy Development
Quelle5 (2019) 1, (16 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
ZusatzinformationWeitere Informationen
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterLiteracy; Parent Child Relationship; Participation; Family Environment; Preschool Children; Public Schools; Poverty; Asynchronous Communication; Well Being; Sleep; Nutrition; Health Behavior; School Readiness; Educational Benefits; Health Education; Language Skills; Program Descriptions; Telecommunications; Handheld Devices; Computer Software; Parents as Teachers; Program Effectiveness
AbstractThere is increasing interest in low-cost, scalable approaches that support parent engagement in their children's learning at home. This study examined the impact of one such approach on pre-kindergarteners' literacy development during an academic year in a suburban public school setting that prioritized enrollment for children living in poverty. Parents were randomly assigned within children's classrooms to receive either: (a) a language and literacy text messaging program or (b) a health and well-being text messaging program. Unexpectedly, findings indicated that children entering the school year with higher skill levels benefited from the language/literacy program while those with lower initial skill levels benefited from the health/well-being program. Although this approach shows promise in impacting some children's literacy skills, it is clear that "one size" does not fit all families and that some families may benefit from text messages on basic needs such as sleep, nutrition, health, and behavior. [For the corresponding grantee submission, see EJ1210476.] (As Provided).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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