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Autor/inn/enJablonski, Erica; Middleton, Michael J.; Abrams, Eleanor Diane; Koper, Marlena; Kirsch, Catalina C.
TitelThe Role of Cultural Task Value in Engaging Rural and Indigenous Science Learners
Quelle(2017), (31 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterLearner Engagement; Science Instruction; Rural Population; Indigenous Populations; Early Adolescents; Student Attitudes; Middle School Students; Middle School Teachers; Science Curriculum; Sustainability; Local Issues; Social Environment; Identification (Psychology); Student Motivation; Disproportionate Representation; Student Behavior; Cultural Context; Indigenous Knowledge; Curriculum Development; Expertise; Systems Approach; Learning Activities; Informal Education; Community Role; Hawaii
AbstractEarly adolescents, particularly from underrepresented or marginalized communities, may feel disconnected from school science leading to a lack of engagement. The lack of connection between their out of school experiences and school science may lead them to devalue science. This study examines interviews with 56 middle school students and 12 teachers from rural and indigenous communities participating in a highly contextualized science curriculum that examines the sustainability of local activities or social practices (e.g., maple sugar farming, hunting, etc.). The majority of students reported valuing the community-oriented tasks they were asked to complete as part of the curriculum. Two elements of the curriculum that particularly contributed to their enjoyment and appreciation for community task value were the involvement of local community experts and the greater awareness of how everyday local practices affect their lives. This paper discusses the concept of community task value in relation to Eccles (2009) explanation of the role of collective/social identity in motivated behaviors with implications for science educators. (As Provided).
AnmerkungenAERA Online Paper Repository. Available from: American Educational Research Association. 1430 K Street NW Suite 1200, Washington, DC 20005. Tel: 202-238-3200; Fax: 202-238-3250; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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