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Sonst. PersonenStrohschen, Gabriele I. E. (Hrsg.); Lewis, Kim (Hrsg.)
TitelCompetency-Based and Social-Situational Approaches for Facilitating Learning in Higher Education. Premier Reference Source. Advances in Higher Education and Professional Development (AHEPD) Book Series
Quelle(2019), (317 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAdult Education; Competency Based Education; Situated Learning; Active Learning; Student Projects; School Community Relationship; School Business Relationship; Curriculum Design; Curriculum Implementation; Social Justice; Community Development; Activism; Urban Areas; Nontraditional Students; Part Time Employment; Employment Potential; Preservice Teachers; Community Colleges; College Administration; Student Empowerment; Mentors; Minority Group Students; Public Education; Self Efficacy; Educational Practices; Community Needs; Faculty Development; Community Involvement; Illinois (Chicago)
AbstractEducation for adults ought to consider a both-and mindset when it comes to selecting approaches, values, and program models in today's multi-sector, multi-diverse, and cross-cultural environments of teaching and learning. Experiences from educational professionals can lead to recommendations for these instruction and mentoring approaches of adults that leads to more meaningful learning. "Competency-Based and Social-Situational Approaches for Facilitating Learning in Higher Education" is a critical research resource that discusses project-based and social-situational instructional practices within community engagement as a method for educating adults. The approaches to designing and implementing learning activities show how to optimize community and business knowledge assets to collaboratively design and implement curricula in order to work toward social justice and community development. Featuring coverage on a spectrum of topics such as community-based learning, political engagement, and urban communities, this book is ideal for professionals, adult education practitioners, faculty, administrators, community activists, researchers, and academicians. This book contains twelve chapters: (1) Making the Postsecondary Education Experience a Primary Focus for the Evolving Student Population: Establishing Curricula, Goals, and Metrics for Non-Traditional Learners (Craig M. Newman); (2) The Contribution of Part-Time Work Experience to Pre-Service Teachers' Development of Graduate Employability (Tran Le Huu Nghia, Phuong Hoang Yen, and Tran Le Kim Huong); (3) Using Social-Situational Learning to Create Career Pathways Into Community College Leadership (Elena Sandoval-Lucero, Libby A. Klingsmith, and Ryan Evely Gildersleeve); (4) Facilitating Student Empowerment and Agency Through the "Scaffolded Autonomy" Approach to Curriculum Design (Carey E. Andrzejewski, Sara Wolf, and Evan T. Straub, Laura Parson); (5) Mentoring at Minority-Serving Institutions (John Bannister); (6) Public School Education: Minority Students at a Disadvantage (Dwayne Small); (7) Self-Efficacy and the Future Selves Construct: Strategies in Support of Adult Learners' Academic Performance (Vincent Stokes); (8) Potentials of Reflection for Better Practice (Catherine Anne Marienau); (9) The Moment I Realized I Had to Give Back by Teaching (Deborah McPhee); (10) Situated Learning Meets Community Needs: Anatomy of a Community-Based Learning Project on Chicago's West Side (Gabriele I.E. Strohschen, David LaBuda, Pauline Scott, Jasmine Dash, Gail Debbs, and Jeff Phillips); (11) Developing a Competency-Based Instructor Training Model of Professional Development: A Key Component for Competency-Based Instructional Programs (Kenneth Browne Elazier); and (12) Back to the Future: Community Engagement and Metagogy (Gabriele I.E. Strohschen). (ERIC).
AnmerkungenIGI Global. 701 East Chocolate Avenue Suite 200, Hershey, PA 17033. Tel: 866-342-6657; Tel: 717-533-8845; Fax: 717-533-8661; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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