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Autor/inn/enDeupa, Madan Singh; Pathani, Rajendra Singh
TitelA Study of Achievement and Intelligence Level of Students in Secondary Education in Nepal with Regard to Education Stream
Quelle(2018), (19 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterForeign Countries; Academic Achievement; Intelligence; Secondary School Students; Science Education; Administrator Education; Grade Point Average; Student Records; Intelligence Tests; Scores; Intellectual Disciplines; Teacher Education; Career Choice; Statistical Analysis; Comparative Analysis; Nepal
Abstract(Purpose) The purpose of this study was to compare the academic achievement and intelligence level of Secondary School students of science, management, and education streams to identify the enrollment trend of students in teacher education in Nepal. (Methods) In this study, 150 secondary school students belonging to eight schools were selected including 50 from each science, management and education stream. For academic achievement, grade point averages of Secondary Education Examination were collected from school records and a standardized intelligence test was used to identify intelligence level. (Results) Mean score of grade point averages and intelligence test of science stream students was greater than management stream students and average scores of management stream students were greater than education stream students. Analysis of variance revealed that there was significant difference among the mean scores of science, management, and education stream students at significance level a = 0.01. Results show that the students with higher academic achievement and intelligence level are enrolling in science stream, average are in management stream and with low academic achievement and intelligence are in education stream, that is, teacher education. Review of previous studies and reports revealed that intelligent person are not attracting towards teaching profession and the condition is same till now. (Implications) Educational policy makers and stakeholders of Nepal should pay proper attention to make teaching profession attractive so that high achievers and intelligent persons may enroll in teacher education and quality of education could be raised. (Additional Materials) G. C. Ahuja Group Test of Intelligence (GGTI-A) used in this study to compare the intelligence of students studying in science, management, and education streams was developed by Dr. G. C. Ahuja, Former Research Officer, Central Institute of Indian Languages Mysore and published by National Psychological Corporation, Agra (India). Mean, variance and ANOVA were used as quantitative techniques; Scheffe's formula was used as post hoc analysis to calculate the pair wise F-ratio. Grade point averages and intelligence scores were enlisted in appendices. (As Provided).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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