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Autor/inn/enHartwell, Laura M.; Zou, Bin
TitelChinese-French Case Study of English Language Learning via Wikispaces, Animoto and Skype
Quelle(2013), (6 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterCase Studies; Chinese; French; English (Second Language); Web 2.0 Technologies; Learning Experience; Computer Mediated Communication; Code Switching (Language); Undergraduate Students; Business Administration Education; Technology Uses in Education; Speech Skills; Assignments; Student Projects; Qualitative Research; Foreign Countries; China; France
AbstractThis paper reports on the learning experience of Chinese and French students participating in a computer mediated communication (CMC) collaboration conducted in English and supported by Wikispaces, Animoto, and Skype. Several studies have investigated CMC contexts in which at least some participants were native speakers. Here, we address the linguistic and cultural challenges that students face when language code-switching is impossible. Twenty-five French students enrolled in their final semester of an undergraduate program in Sports Management and 40 Chinese students enrolled in their second year of undergraduate program in Business completed individual and group projects related to tourism in Europe based on information gathered through communication in English with their foreign partners. Data from students' written and oral productions were complemented by students' self-reflective evaluations. This study illustrates that mastering new technologies and interacting with an authentic audience motivated student learning. Some students also benefitted from the possibility of improving speaking skills through recording and listening to their own voices. [For full proceedings, see ED565044.] (As Provided). La Grange des Noyes, 25110 Voillans, France. e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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