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Autor/inn/enLukaš, Mirko; Munjiza, Emerik
TitelEducation System of John Amos Comenius and Its Implications in Modern Didactics
Quelle60 (2014) 31, S.32-44 (13 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterDidacticism; Educational Philosophy; Scientific Concepts; Educational History; Instructional Systems
AbstractThe authors were particularly interested in scientific conceptions shaped and systematized in subject-teaching school system proposed by J.A. Comenius, which are still actively applied in day-to-day school practice. Within the analysed ideas of J.A. Comenius the goal and the task of this paper is to present to the pedagogic public the originality and the permanence of certain didactic phenomena which can be found in the beginnings of didactics 355 years ago, as well as to confirm on a scientific level their contemporariness and topicality. According to its significant characteristics, this longitudinal research is based on the historical analysis of the contents of pedagogic literature and periodicals. The most important results obtained by this research are interpreted in the sense of evidence confirming that Comenius advocated the concept of holistic and unified educational system in his ideas. The paper refers to and presents the proposed school system, but more attention is devoted to other didactical phenomena which have marked the systematization of classes, and raised didactics to the level of science. In this paper, a special attention is paid to Comenius's constant emphasis of the need to permanently connect the school with life, as well as with the surroundings such as family, homeland, people and its culture and national traditions. Along with reported results of the analytical approach to texts, the principle of harmony of thoughts, words and actions, as well as didactical rules and the graphical quality of classes whereby permanent knowledge necessary for life is acquired, are explained. From Comenius's commitment to the pansofic (cross-disciplinary) approach in teaching all things to all men, the permanence of this implication as a maxim and principle of work in the future school life can be seen. Although from an ecclesiastical educational and cultural background, his visionary and futuristically oriented views of life and world without ecclesiastic dogmas are shown in his work. He wants to change the existing, no matter how good it may be; in his humanistic spirit he incites others to think, to be creative and original, and shows the need to introduce changes, to reform and change, instead of reconciliating with the existing. Although a Czech, he indebted the entire human race with his teaching, as over three hundred years now people have not been able to find ideas more original than his to change the current school. This paper aims at reminding us that history must be used as a basic research starting point, and incentives to discover new, so far unknown experiences, must come from it. (As Provided).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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