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Autor/inLee, Jeong-Kyu
TitelThe Role of Religion in Korean Higher Education
Quelle29 (2002) 1, S.49-65 (26 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterForeign Countries; Confucianism; Role of Religion; Organizational Culture; Higher Education; Christianity; Buddhism; Educational History; Selective Admission; Clergy; Religious Education; Institutional Characteristics; Theological Education; Private Colleges; South Korea
AbstractThis study examines the role of religion in Korean elite and higher education during the premodern and modern periods with descriptive analysis. The study focuses on the contribution of Buddhism and Confucianism to premodern elite education in Korea, particularly the interaction between Confucianism and Christianity with modern higher education in Korea and on the role of religion in current Korean higher education through descriptive analysis. Buddhism and Confucianism were either primary or secondary key institutions in informal and formal Korean elite education during the early and medieval times. Christianity had a significant impact on modern higher education in Korea through its role in harmonizing the religious and educational tradition of Confucianism. Now, Christianity and Buddhism play active roles in private institutions, whereas Confucianism is a core factor of organizational culture in higher education. (As Provided).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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