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InstitutionNational Center for Education Statistics (ED)
TitelThe Nation's Report Card Reading 2013 Trial Urban District Snapshot Report. Austin Independent School District. Grade 4, Public Schools
Quelle(2013), (1 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterQuantitative Daten; National Surveys; Educational Indicators; Educational Assessment; Reading Achievement; Reading Instruction; Achievement Rating; Scores; National Competency Tests; Achievement Gap; Comparative Analysis; Public Schools; Racial Differences; Gender Differences; Socioeconomic Influences; Geographic Location; Elementary School Students; Urban Schools; School Districts; Texas; National Assessment of Educational Progress
AbstractThe National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), in partnership with the National Assessment Governing Board and the Council of the Great City Schools (CGCS), created the Trial Urban District Assessment (TUDA) in 2002 to support the improvement of student achievement in the nation's large urban districts. NAEP TUDA results in mathematics and reading are based on representative samples of 1,100 to 2,300 public school students at grade 4 and 900 to 2,100 public school students at grade 8 in each participating urban district in 2013. Twenty-one urban districts participated in the 2013 assessments. This one-page report presents overall results, achievement-level percentages and average score results, scores at selected percentiles, average scores for district and large cities, results for student groups in 2013, and score gaps for student groups. In 2013, the average score of fourth-grade students in Austin was 221. This was higher than the average score of 212 for public school students in large cities. The average score for students in Austin in 2013 (221) was not significantly different from their average score in 2011 (224) and was higher than their average score in 2005 (217). The score gap between higher performing students in Austin (those at the 75th percentile) and lower performing students (those at the 25th percentile) was 54 points in 2013. This performance gap was not significantly different from that in 2005 (50 points). The percentage of students in Austin who performed at or above the NAEP "Proficient" level was 36 percent in 2013. This percentage was not significantly different from that in 2011 (36 percent) and was greater than that in 2005 (28 percent). The percentage of students in Austin who performed at or above the NAEP "Basic" level was 65 percent in 2013. This percentage was not significantly different from that in 2011 (68 percent) and in 2005 (61 percent). [For "The Nation's Report Card: A First Look--2013 Mathematics and Reading Trial Urban District Assessment. NCES 2014-466," see ED544551.] (ERIC).
AnmerkungenNational Center for Education Statistics. Available from: ED Pubs. P.O. Box 1398, Jessup, MD 20794-1398. Tel: 877-433-7827; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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