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Autor/inHall, Morrill M.
InstitutionUS Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Office of Education (ED)
TitelProvisions Governing Membership on Local Boards of Education. Bulletin, 1957, No. 13
Quelle(1957), (70 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterNachschlagewerk; School Administration; Boards of Education; State Legislation; State Departments of Education; Superintendents; Group Membership; Eligibility; Selection Criteria; Administrative Policy; Administrator Qualifications; Tenure; Elections; Compensation (Remuneration); State Surveys; School District Size; Public Officials; Governance; Institutional Characteristics
AbstractFor a number of years, particularly since the early 1940's, there has been a growing movement emphasizing the importance of local boards of education, how they function, and how their effectiveness may be improved. Evidences of this movement are found within a variety of sources: In the increasing amount of research dealing with school boards and their work; in surveys of local school systems; in the numerous articles appearing in magazines for school administrators; in the yearbooks and other publications of the American Association of School Administrators; in the growing number of handbooks and similar publications prepared especially for school board members; and, by no means last, in the rapid growth of the National School Boards Association, along with the activities of its affiliated State associations which have been organized in all except a few States. This bulletin constitutes another addition to the literature in school administration dealing with boards of education. Its purpose is to provide information concerning the statutory provisions in the 48 States governing school board size, selection of the membership, and related factors. In preparation of the bulletin, the help of personnel in State departments of education was sought in checking and interpreting the school statutes involved, and in every instance this assistance was given. Basic data, by state, is appended. (Contains 14 tables and 106 footnotes.) [Best copy available has been provided.] (ERIC).
AnmerkungenOffice of Education, US Department of Health, Education, and Welfare.
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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