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Autor/inEmmons, Margaret L.
InstitutionFederal Security Agency, Office of Education (ED)
TitelOrientation and English Instruction for Students from Other Lands: Program of the Washington Orientation Center for Foreign Students and Trainees at Wilson Teachers College, Washington, D. C. Bulletin, 1950, No. 8
Quelle(1950), (55 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterTeaching Methods; Public Agencies; English (Second Language); Second Language Instruction; Schools of Education; Educational Objectives; Foreign Students; Public Policy; Federal Aid; Fellowships; Foreign Nationals; Acculturation; Adjustment (to Environment); Testing; Student Placement; Community Involvement; Services; Teacher Qualifications; Orientation
AbstractThe Orientation Center for Foreign Students and Trainees, located at Wilson Teachers College, Washington, D. C., is financed by a grant-in-aid from the Department of State. It is operated under the advice and direction of the National Education Association, the Board of Education of the District of Columbia, and the Division of International Educational Relations of the Office of Education. The Center is maintained primarily to serve the needs of students and trainees who come to this country on fellowship from the United States Government or from their own- governments. Since its beginning in 1942, this institution has assisted thousands of foreign students in improving their English and in becoming adjusted to life and customs in the United States. "Orientation and English Instruction for Students from Other Lands" has been prepared by Margaret L. Emmons, Director of the Orientation Center, and five members of the staff of that institution. The teachers who assisted in compiling the bulletin are: Ellen M. Judson, Esther L. McGuire, Etta F. McKinley, Jean Robertson, and Helen H. Shears. Organizational suggestions and recommendations on content and form were made by Raymond H. Nelson and Thomas E. Cotner of the staff of this Division. The photographs are by Thomas H. Emmons. The bulletin is for the use of those engaged in the preparation of foreign students who come to the United States to study in the institutions of higher learning or to take training in the industries and Government agencies. It contains information about the curriculum and courses of study of the Orientation Center, and suggestions on methods of instruction which have been found to be successful. Topics covered in this bulletin include the following: (1) Organization; (2) Testing and placement; (3) Courses for the various levels; (4) Course in pronunciation for all levels; (5) Courses for general orientation for all levels; (6) Special courses for foreign students in universities not having English Language Institutes; (7) Participation in community activities; (8) Personal services to students; and (9) Qualifications of teachers. An appendix presents a list of United States institutions of higher learning offering orientation and English instruction for students from other countries. A bibliography is also included. (Contains 2 footnotes.) [Best copy available has been provided.] (ERIC).
AnmerkungenOffice of Education, Federal Security Agency.
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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