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InstitutionDepartment of the Interior, Bureau of Education (ED)
TitelSummer Schools in 1918. Bulletin, 1919, No. 31
Quelle(1919), (42 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterQuantitative Daten; Higher Education; Statistics; Summer Schools; Classification; Teacher Characteristics; Student Characteristics; School Schedules; Costs; Accreditation (Institutions); Student Teaching; Enrollment Trends; Comparative Analysis; Institutional Characteristics
AbstractAfter compiling educational statistics for 1916 the Bureau of Education adopted the plan of collecting statistics biennially instead of annually as in preceding years. It was thought advisable this year to divide the summer schools into two classes; one consisting of summer schools more or less closely identified with standard colleges, universities, and professional schools, and normal schools; the other made up very largely of independent summer schools and school conducted by private high schools and academies and by institutions of higher rank which do not offer a full collegiate or normal school course. Statistics of summer schools are presented in the bulletin for the year 1918. The following contents are included: (1) Biennial report; (2) Classification of summer schools; (3) Number of schools; (4) Instructors; (5) Students; (6) Length of term; (7) Cost of maintaining summer schools; (8) Courses accredited for degrees; (9) Lecturers; (10) Observation or practice schools; (11) A comparison of enrollment in summer schools; and (12) Statistical tables. (Contains 10 tables and 10 figures.) [This bulletin was written by the Statistical Division of the Bureau of Education. Best copy available has been provided.] (ERIC).
AnmerkungenBureau of Education, Department of the Interior.
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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