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Autor/inn/enFroman, Terry; Brown, Shelly
InstitutionMiami-Dade County Public Schools, Research Services
TitelPerformance Flags: Using Local Norms to Highlight Needy Students and Exceptional Teachers. Research Brief. Volume 0803
Quelle(2009), (4 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAchievement Tests; Academic Achievement; High Achievement; Local Norms; Students; Public Schools; Public School Teachers; Identification; Florida; Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test
AbstractReferences to FCAT results dominate the appraisal of students, schools, and districts. Yet, with all these reports of scores and grades it is not easy to spot extraordinary performance. It is the purpose of this paper to introduce Performance Flags--a new look to FCAT statistics that can help Miami-Dade district in the simple and speedy detection of exceptional achievement at a school, grade, or classroom level. These Performance Flags, an outgrowth of Local Norms, are color-coded to readily differentiate the extraordinary from the ordinary. They are founded on comparisons within the school district and display both absolute and relative standing among students, classrooms, and schools. They can be applied at various levels, compared easily to discover trends, and can hopefully contribute substantively to program evaluation, policy making and improvement planning. (ERIC).
AnmerkungenResearch Services, Miami-Dade County Public Schools. 1450 NE Second Avenue, Miami, FL 33132. Tel: 305-995-1000; Fax: 305-995-7521; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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