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InstitutionCenter for Children's Initiatives (CCI)
TitelCCI Primer 2011: Key Facts about Early Care and Education in New York City
Quelle(2011), (44 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterQuantitative Daten; Early Intervention; Child Care; Family Characteristics; Institutional Characteristics; Enrollment; Public Education; Early Childhood Education; Investment; Access to Education; Costs; Educational Quality; Educational Indicators; Educational Assessment; Home Visits; Integrated Services; Parent Education; Educational Finance; Financial Support; New York
AbstractThe Center for Children's Initiatives (CCI) champions the right of all children to start life with the best possible foundation of care, health and learning. CCI draws on its experience, expertise, and interactions with families, early childhood professionals and policymakers to shape its vision to expand and improve early learning opportunities, in order to build bright futures for all children. CCI serves as a trusted resource for working families, offering consultation and referral to help parents identify and select appropriate, affordable, quality child care options. This primer presents CCI's findings on early care and education in New York City. Key facts are organized as follows: (1) Demographics: New York City's Children and Families; (2) Enrollment: Publicly-Supported Early Care and Education; (3) Public Investment in Early Care and Education; (4) Capacity for Early Care and Education; (5) Access and Affordability; (6) Quality Indicators; and (7) Specialized Services: Early Intervention and Home Visiting. A glossary is included. (Contains 53 charts.) (ERIC).
AnmerkungenCenter for Children's Initiatives. 322 Eighth Avenue 4th Floor, New York, NY 10001. Tel: 212-929-7604; Fax: 212-929-5785; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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