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Autor/inMuir, Scott P.
TitelLibraries Achieving Greatness: Technology at the Helm
Quelle(2009), (197 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterLibrary Role; Libraries; Library Services; Case Studies; Information Technology; Technology Integration; History; Surveys; Electronic Libraries; Library Automation; Public Libraries; College Libraries
AbstractLibraries have been around for thousands of years. Many of them are considered great because of their magnificent architecture or because of the size of their collections. This paper offers ten case studies of libraries that have used technology to achieve greatness. Because almost any library can implement technology, a library does not have to be large to do so. The paper uses a brief overview of library technology and library history to form a context for understanding the role of libraries, old and new technology and their greatness in our society. It uses an original survey to gain understanding of the individual project, how it came into existence, the people and challenges involved, and its success. It also includes conclusions and thoughts for librarians and technologists to consider as they create a technology-based project. Since it is a research paper as part of a course of study, it also includes the author's analysis of the processes, successes, and limitations of the study. Appended are the abstract, IRB paperwork, and original responses. (Contains 13 figures.) (As Provided).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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