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Autor/inAshby, Cornelia M.
InstitutionGeneral Accounting Office, Washington, DC.
TitelHigher Education: More Information Could Help Education Determine the Extent to Which Eligible Servicemembers Serving on Active Duty Benefited from Relief Provided by Lenders and Schools. Report to Congressional Requesters. GAO-07-11
Quelle(2006), (48 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterHigher Education; Politics of Education; Loan Repayment; Federal Programs; Student Loan Programs; Student Financial Aid; Military Personnel; Federal Legislation; Interviews; United States
AbstractSince September 11, 2001, over 1.3 million members of the armed forces have been deployed in service to the United States. Congress enacted the Higher Education Relief Opportunities for Students (HEROES) Act to recognize the needs of those servicemembers who are deployed in the midst of pursuing postsecondary education or repaying student loans. The U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) was asked to determine: (1) how the Department of Education has implemented HEROES; (2) the policies and practices federal student loan lenders have in place to assist borrowers serving on active duty; and (3) the policies and practices postsecondary schools have to assist students who are serving on active duty. To address these objectives, GAO interviewed representatives from the nine largest Federal Family Education Loan program lenders, surveyed a random sample of postsecondary schools, and visited four colleges and universities. In this report, the GAO recommends that the Secretary of Education undertake the congressionally mandated study to determine the extent to which eligible servicemembers are receiving assistance under HEROES. GAO provided copies of a draft of this report to the Department of Education and the Department of Defense for review and comment. Education agreed with the report's findings and said the recommendation has merit. Education has agreed to explore options for conducting the congressionally mandated study. The Department of Defense had no comments on the draft report. Appended are: (1) Methodology for Survey of Colleges and Universities; (2) Waivers and Modifications; (3) Comments from the Department of Education; and (4) GAO Contact and Staff Acknowledgments. (Contains 2 tables and 9 figures.) [This report was published by the U.S. Government Accountability Office.] (ERIC).
AnmerkungenU.S. Government Accountability Office. 441 G Street NW, Washington, DC 20548. Tel: 202-512-6000; Web site: http://www.gao/gov
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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