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Autor/inn/enJustice, Laura M.; Pence, Khara L.; Beckman, Angela R.; Skibbe, Lori E.; Wiggins, Alice K.
TitelScaffolding with Storybooks: A Guide for Enhancing Young Children's Language and Literacy Achievement
Quelle(2005), (144 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Unterricht; Lehrer; Orthographic Symbols; Story Reading; Phonology; Childrens Literature; Alphabets; Emergent Literacy; Vocabulary Development; Phonemes; Primary Education; Knowledge Level; Classroom Techniques; Scaffolding (Teaching Technique)
AbstractUse storybook reading to build the early literacy competencies that preschool, kindergarten, and first-grade students need to become successful readers and learners. This essential research-based guide provides strategies and sample interactions that will help teachers to strengthen children's knowledge of written language, vocabulary, phonology, the alphabet, narrative discourse, and the world around them. As teachers develop students' abilities and interests in these areas, they will ease their transition to more advanced levels of reading and learning. This book contains the following chapters: (1) Building Language and Literacy Through Interactive Book Reading; (2) Building Print Knowledge: Supporting Early Print Discoveries; (3) Building Word Knowledge: Increasing the Complexity of Words Children Understand and Produce; (4) Building Phonological Knowledge: Developing a Sensitivity to Sound Units of Language; (5) Building Alphabet Knowledge: Learning About the Features and Names of Letters; (6) Building Narrative Knowledge: Extending Language to Share Experiences and Ideas; and (7) Building World Knowledge: Learning About the World Near and Far. A Cross-Referencing List of All Storybooks is appended. (ERIC).
AnmerkungenInternational Reading Association. 800 Barksdale Rd., P.O. Box 8139, Newark, DE 19714-8139. Tel: 800-336-7323; Fax: 302-731-1057; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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