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Autor/inAndres, Lesley
InstitutionBritish Columbia Council on Admissions and Transfer, Vancouver.
TitelEducational and Occupational Participation and Completion Patterns of the Class of '88: A Ten Year Perspective.
Quelle(2002), (61 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterQuantitative Daten; Academic Advising; Community Colleges; Educational Benefits; Higher Education; Investment; Post High School Guidance; Postsecondary Education; Postsecondary Education as a Field of Study; Two Year Colleges; Canada
AbstractThis document discusses findings from the Paths on Life's Way project which began in 1989 with a sample of the British Columbia high school graduating class of 1988. By 1998, 1,055 individuals from all parts of the province remained in the study. Analyses of participation patterns indicated that only a few students had not attended some type of postsecondary institution within the ten years of high school completion. By 1998, over 80 percent of respondents had earned at least one postsecondary credential. Respondents who completed higher levels of education tended to have obtained higher status jobs and earned higher incomes than those who did not attend or complete postsecondary studies. Results also indicated however, that in terms of work and income, men benefited more than women from their postsecondary investments. Results also showed that by 1998, two thirds of the women and half of the men in this study were married or in marriage-like relationships. Offers recommendations for further research, policy and practice in terms of transfer patterns and counseling practices with the goal of enhancing postsecondary participation and completion by British Columbia young adults. (Contains 36 tables, 4 figures, and 13 references.) (JS)
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Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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