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Autor/inn/enBain, Alan; Hess, Peter T.
TitelSchool Reform and Faculty Culture: A Longitudinal Case Study.
Quelle(2001), (48 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterCase Studies; Comparative Analysis; Faculty; Longitudinal Studies; Perception; Program Design; Program Implementation; School Culture; Secondary Education
AbstractThis study examined the longitudinal effect of a comprehensive school design and reform program on faculty perceptions of their contribution to students, collegial support, and autonomy in a secondary school. The study sought to establish whether these changes in faculty members' perceptions of their work environment covaried with the implementation of the School Design Model (SDM) program. The RSM Interview Form was administered to faculty on three occasions. The first administration occurred during a pilot phase of the SDM when the school's traditional independent school program and a pilot of the SDM program were both in operation. The second administration occurred 2 years later during the full implementation of the program, and the third during the continuation phase after an additional 2 years. Results indicated higher overall scores for faculty perceptions of culture in the SDM program over teachers in the traditional program. These improvements remained stable in both the implementation and continuation phases of the program. Comparison with a benchmark study of over 40 schools revealed that despite the comprehensive reform of the work environment, faculty remained positively disposed toward their contribution to students, felt more reinforced by peers, and experienced no major changes in their perceptions autonomy. (Contains 67 references and 1 table.) (Author/RT)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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