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Ariadne Pfad:


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Autor/inn/enCuneo, Carl J.; Harnish, Delsworth
TitelThe Lost Generation in E-Learning: Deep and Surface Approaches to Online Learning.
Quelle(2002), (37 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterCollege Students; Computer Uses in Education; Distance Education; Electronic Mail; Foreign Countries; Higher Education; Learning Strategies; Online Systems; Student Attitudes; Teleconferencing
AbstractThis study examined the independent effects of six approaches to learning in online computer conferencing: (1) deep learning: (2) comprehension learning; (3) relating ideas; (4) surface learning; (5) syllabus boundness; and (6) achievement motivation. Deep learning, comprehension learning, and relating ideas were combined into a more general index called meaning orientation or deep approach to learning. Syllabus boundness and surface learning were combined into a reproducing orientation index, a surface approach to learning. Online surveys were conducted in 3 school years at a Canadian university using the FirstClass proprietary software, which had been customized into an online conferencing system. The questionnaire was completed by 114, 280, and 679 students in the 3 years. Factor indexes were created of approaches to learning, active use of online conferencing, the subjective valuation of its personal importance to students, and embarrassment or anxieties over posting messages to online course conferences. Seven hypotheses were developed, the main one being that a deep approach to learning would result in greater use and personal importance of registered than unregistered course conferences. Only partial support was found for the hypotheses. The deep approach to learning resulted in a heightened active use of almost all aspects of online conferencing, increased reading and sending of messages, a greater subjective valuation by learners of the importance of participation in conferencing and nonacademic social debates, and a reduction in anxiety about postings. About 15% to 25% of the samples formed a lost generation in the e-learning world. These students scored high on a surface approach to learning and low on a deep approach. Implications for educators who want to reach these students are discussed. (Contains 32 tables and 45 references.) (SLD)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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