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Sonst. PersonenRobinson, Violet B. (Hrsg.)
InstitutionCalifornia Kindergarten Association, Roseville.
TitelKindergarten Education: Theory, Research, and Practice, 1996-1998.
Quelle1-3 (1998), (426 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterBeginning Reading; Educational Practices; Emergent Literacy; Kindergarten; Kindergarten Children; Learning Activities; Periodicals; Piagetian Theory; Preschool Curriculum; Preschool Teachers; Primary Education; Spelling; Student Behavior; Student Evaluation; Theories
AbstractThis document is comprised of six issues (1996 through 1998) of a biannually-published journal featuring research studies, theoretical essays, and classroom practice articles about the development and education of kindergarten children. The spring 1996 issue contains the following: (1) "Portfolios and Young Children: A Natural Match" (Adrienne Herrell); (2) "Cognitive Development of Children Four through Six Years of Age: Implications for the Classroom" (Violet Robinson); (3) "Choice Behavior in Kindergarten: A Qualitative Study" (Michael Ballard-Rosa); and (4) "Balanced Literacy within a Kindergarten Study of Woodland Animals" (Helen Faul). The winter 1996 issue contains: (1) "Piaget's Symbolic Function and the Foundation of Reading" (Jeanette Gallagher); (2) "Drawing To Write: The Role of Drawing in the Writing Processes of Kindergarten and Primary Grade Children" (Catherine DuCharme); (3) "Developing Conventional Spelling: Temporary Spelling and the Transition Point" (Adrienne Herrell); and (4) "Zoology in the Early Childhood Curriculum" (Saundra Plett). The spring 1997 issue contains: (1) "Reading and Language; Piaget's Symbolic Function and the Foundation of Reading (Part 2)" (Jeanette Gallagher); (2) "A Comparison of the Effects of Teaching Phonics through Literature and Teaching Phonics through Spelling on First Grader's Reading, Writing and Spelling Competence" (Theresa Roberts and Anne Meiring); (3) "Exploring Math Concepts with Children's Books" (Belle Akers); and (4) "Transformation towards a Balanced Curriculum" (Christine Carling). The winter 1997 issue contains: (1) "Reading and Writing; Piaget's Symbolic Function and the Foundation of Reading (Part 3)" (Jeanette Gallagher); (2) "Wearing Many Hats or How Kindergarten Teachers Adorn Their Heads" (Candace Kaye); (3) "Cross-Cultural Peer Interactions in a Two-Way Bilingual Immersion Kindergarten Classroom" (Catherine DuCharme); and (4) "Teaching Linear Measurement" (Carol Gossett). The spring 1998 issue contains: (1) "Imagery and Drawing; Piaget's Symbolic Function and the Foundation of Reading (Part 4)" (Jeanette Gallagher); (2) "The Role of Choice in the Literacy Development of Young Children" (Daniel Meier); (3) "Kindergarten Policies: Another Look at the Research" (Diana Guerin, Julie Sandwell, and Lisa Lovil); and (4) "Literacy Workshops: A Process that Empowers Children To Read and Write in Kindergarten" (Deborah Meng). The winter 1998 issue contains: (1) "Symbolic Play; Piaget's Symbolic Function and the Foundation of Reading (Part 5)" (Jeanette Gallagher); (2) "Addressing Kindergarten Students' Conflict Behavior: Encouraging Social-Cognitive Development" (Pamela Lane-Garon); (3) "Building Parent-Teacher Partnership through Dialogue Journals" (Harriet Neal and Joyce Daniels); and (4) "Creating Music in Kindergarten" (Gwendolyn McGraw). (KB)
AnmerkungenCalifornia Kindergarten Association, 3013 Douglas Blvd., Suite 132, Roseville, CA 95661-3846 (Members, $5 for each issue; Non-members, $8 for each issue). Tel: 916-780-5331; Fax: 916-780-5330; e-mail:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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