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Ariadne Pfad:


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TitelChina: Tradition and Transformation Curriculum Projects. Fulbright-Hays Summer Seminars Abroad Program, 2000.
Quelle(2000), (420 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterArea Studies; Chinese Culture; Civil Liberties; Curriculum Development; Foreign Countries; Global Approach; Intercultural Communication; Social Studies; Study Abroad; China
AbstractThis collection of curriculum projects considers the change and modernization of China. The following 15 projects are in the collection: "Globalization in China" (Allan Cooper); "Religion and Identity in Contemporary China" (Wade H. Dazey); "China and the West: A Global Context for Chinese Immigration to the United States" (Jennifer de Forest); "How Ping Pong Helped Open 'Windows' in China: Images Depicting the History of United States-China Relations since 1970" (Kenneth B. Ebert); "'Regarding the Problem of Newborn Piglets in Winter' by Chen Rong" (Nancy Gannon); "Chinese Impressions" (Michael M. Gunter); "The Opium War: Comparing Competing Historical Narratives" (Pete Hammer); "Human Rights in China" (Ken Hung); "Goals, Objectives, and Assumptions Regarding the Teaching of Intercultural Communication" (Charles Korn); "What's a Person To Think about China?????" (Michael Monley); "China: Population Analysis and Mapping" (Lallie Scott); "China: Tradition and Transformation" (Bonnie Mae Smith); "Analysis of Visuals from China" (Brenda Smith); "Chinese Views on Human Rights" (Stephen Sossaman); and "China: A Population Case Study" (Mack Van Allen). (BT)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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