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Autor/inn/enAndres, Lesley; Qayyum, Adnan; Dawson, Jane
InstitutionBritish Columbia Univ., Vancouver. Centre for Policy Studies in Education.
TitelInvestigating Transfer Project, Phase I: Transfer Experiences of Students from Community College to University.
Quelle(1997), (92 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterCollege Transfer Students; Community Colleges; Foreign Countries; Higher Education; Student Attitudes; Student College Relationship; Student Educational Objectives; Universities; Canada
AbstractFor this study, 47 students who had transferred from a community college were interviewed in an attempt to: determine the nature of their transfer; portray experiences surrounding the transfer process; document difficulties and successes encountered before, during, and after transfer; highlight advantages and disadvantages of transfer; and offer recommendations for improving the transfer process. Most interviewees reported that they commenced their studies at a community college with the intention to transfer to a university. Respondents gave a number of reasons for commencing their postsecondary studies at a community college first and then transferring to university, rather than entering university directly. Students were usually very attentive to the question of transferability. For the majority of students interviewed, the mechanics of the transfer process did not present an overwhelming source of distress. Of all the issues associated with transfer, the decline in grade point average after transfer was the most significant and the one that consistently caused students the most anxiety. The key disadvantages involved adapting to two different institutions and the extra demands placed on transfer students that were not expected of students who commenced their studies at the university. The report concludes with a list of recommendations for improving the transfer process. The report also includes interview questions used in the study, tables of sample bias, and the interview coding scheme in the appendices. (Contains 18 references.) (VWC)
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Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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