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Autor/inHerr, Edwin L.
TitelPreparation for the World of Work.
Quelle(2000), (16 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterAdolescents; Adult Vocational Education; Career Development; Comparative Education; Elementary Secondary Education; Employment Potential; Government Role; International Communication; Job Training; Learning Processes; Postsecondary Education; Public Policy; Germany; United States
AbstractKnowledge about the structure and availability of work, and the ways people prepare for it, are important issues for both career specialists and policymakers. This paper begins with a discussion of the concepts of work, employability, and employment. Work is described as a complex concept that means different things to different people, and constitutes a variety of skill levels. Employment is compared with employability, since with the growth of the global economy many new factors are influencing a person's preparation for work. Several questions consider the international approaches to the preparation of workers. In relation to this, there is discussion on the issues of curriculum, school and university preparation, support services, and roles of the employer. Schools in the United States and Germany are compared as to how they are preparing young people for work, and how transition services and employers factor into the different approaches. The paper concludes that the examination of influences, purposes, and mechanisms related to preparation of work brings forth many policy issues. Several policy issues are detailed, including how preparation for work can be centralized in national policy, how policy can reinforce employer involvement, and whether policy should consider requirements designed to ensure every student is guaranteed placement. (Contains 23 references.) (JDM)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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