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Autor/inGathercoal, Paul
TitelEndorphins and Media Messages: Addicting Students to Mediated Violence and Emotion.
Quelle(1999), (26 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterBrain; Classroom Techniques; Cognitive Development; Cognitive Processes; Cognitive Psychology; Cultural Context; Desensitization; Elementary Secondary Education; Genetics; Government Role; Learning; Legislation; Mass Media Effects; Memory; Neuropsychology; Role of Education; School Culture; Time Factors (Learning); Violence
AbstractThis paper discusses current developments in neuroscience and cognitive psychology that have significance for education and learning, and considers the effects of violent and emotion-laden media messages. Topics include: (1) the developing brain, including the roles of genetics, experience, metaphorical imagination, and culture; (2) the links among emotion, cognition, and body; (3) brain plasticity and the effect of culture; (4) the importance of a healthy school culture; (5) learning as a biological process; (6) the genetic cycle of learning; (7) the importance of serotonin for learning and memory; (8) the importance of time in learning; (9) the importance of homeostasis; (10) endorphins and addiction to media messages, including desensitization; (11) the importance of context and a healthy school culture; (12) a role for school and classroom management; and (13) a role for education and legislation. Together, education and legislation must work to foster maximum potential for the media and their messages, and, at the same time, minimize their adverse affects on the individual and society. (Contains 39 references.) (MES)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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