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Autor/inn/enKerchner, Charles Taylor; Koppich, Julia E.; Weeres, Joseph G.
TitelTaking Charge of Quality. How Teachers and Unions can Revitalize Schools. An Introduction and Companion to "United Mind Workers."
Quelle(1998), (64 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Change Strategies; Educational Change; Educational Improvement; Educational Quality; Elementary Secondary Education; Peer Evaluation; Public Education; Standards; Teacher Associations; Teacher Competencies; Teacher Evaluation; Teacher Role; Teachers; Unions
AbstractThis book suggets that teachers and teacher unions should take the lead in making changes to promote educational quality and prepare students for the 21st century, where knowledge rather than industry will be the organizing principle. Part 1, "A Call to Action," describes how American society is changing and how these shifts necessitate the transformation of American education. It discusses educational challenges and what teachers and unions can do to deal with the challenges. Part 2, "A Commitment to Quality," explores the role that teachers and unions must take in bringing about educational change, discussing how to improve the craft of teaching, upgrade educational standards, and evaluate the work of peers. Part 3, "Organizing Around Transforming Schools," lays out a proposal for how unions can organize around a primary commitment to improving education. It discusses new contracting strategies, hiring and rewarding teachers, creating more career flexibility for teachers, and what teachers can do now to begin the process of change. (SM)
AnmerkungenJossey-Bass, Inc., Publishers, 350 Sansome Street, San Francisco, CA 94014 ($7.95).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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