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Autor/inArce, Elsa M.
TitelCareer Indecision: Cross Cultural Differences in a Cluster Analysis among Two Groups of Undergraduate Students.
Quelle(1995), (16 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterCareer Choice; Career Education; Cluster Analysis; Comparative Analysis; Cross Cultural Studies; Cultural Differences; Cultural Influences; Decision Making; Developed Nations; Educational Research; Foreign Countries; Higher Education; Social Support Groups; Undergraduate Students; Undergraduate Study
AbstractA study determined differences among the levels and types of career indecision within and between two cross-cultural groups of undergraduate students from two counseling centers. The groups were 88 University of Pittsburgh students and 79 Universidad del Pacifico, Peru, students. The Indecision Scale of the Career Decision Scale (CDS) was used to examine levels and types of career indecision. Cluster analysis was performed to determine groups with similarities in indecision. One-way analyses of variance found differences within levels of indecision. Two-way analyses of variance compared each of the cluster levels of the two groups. Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficients and t-tests were used to establish differences between age and sex, but none were found. Findings identified four defined clusters in the levels of indecision per group. Data from the Pittsburgh group showed a higher level of indecision per cluster than the group from Peru, suggesting that cross-cultural characteristics may influence the decision-making process for undergraduate students. (Appendixes contain 12 references and item-item reliability tables from the CDS for Pittsburgh and Peru.) (YLB)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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