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Autor/inKesten, Philip R.
TitelERes--A Web-Based Electronic Reserve System.
Quelle(1997), (6 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAccess to Information; Computer Networks; Computer Software; Computer Software Evaluation; Computer Uses in Education; Electronic Text; Higher Education; Information Dissemination; Information Sources; Internet; Online Systems; User Satisfaction (Information); World Wide Web
AbstractERes, an electronic reserve system, allows faculty and staff to make documents available on the World Wide Web without requiring any technical skills. The system was developed at Santa Clara University (California). This paper provides an overview of ERes and includes: technical information; the user interface for entering and viewing documents; features and functions of the program; system administration; and the experiences of the faculty, staff, and students who have used ERes at Santa Clara University. ERes makes use of short, intuitive, on-screen forms together with a point-and-click interface to make it quick and easy to put documents of any format--word processor files, Excel spreadsheets, and handwritten homework solutions--on "reserve" on the World Wide Web. The structure of the ERes system is built around the academic course--every course in the system has its own "page," which can be customized to suit the needs of an individual course or instructor. Instructors can post announcements and other information, as well as create links to other Web resources. The ERes system was designed to require no day-to-day maintenance--a system administrator is required only to create and delete instructor accounts. Santa Clara University faculty feedback on ERes indicates that they appreciate the ease of use the system affords, and enjoy the ability to make course material instantly available. (SWC)
AnmerkungenElectronic version:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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