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Autor/inGoldberg, Sally
TitelParent Involvement Begins at Birth: Collaboration between Parents and Teachers of Children in the Early Years.
Quelle(1997), (208 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Attention Deficit Disorders; Child Development; Child Rearing; Home Instruction; Infants; Parent Child Relationship; Parent Education; Parent Influence; Parent Materials; Parent Participation; Parent Role; Parent School Relationship; Parenting Skills; Parents; Parents as Teachers; Partnerships in Education; Preschool Children; Preschool Curriculum; Preschool Education; Student Centered Curriculum; Toddlers
AbstractThis book presents a parent involvement model built on a foundation of public school-based parent education seminars and home-based infant-toddler play-and-learn activities. The goal is to ensure that children begin their school experience ready to learn and become competent, confident learners. The book begins with a historical overview of parental involvement. Next, the parent involvement process is described, including parent education classes, a curriculum of developmentally appropriate learning activities for parents to use at home, and a developmental review at age 3 to identify areas that need strengthening and a follow-up review at age 5 to assess the progress made. In addition to presenting this model, the book offers a discussion of the guidance approach to discipline and managing child behavior, including the "fifteen pillars of parenting." It also provides a practical look at early literacy and a chapter on special needs, including Attention Deficit Disorders, the gifted, and the differently abled. The final section of the book contains the complete child-centered, activity-based program, which is a curriculum of activities designed to promote the development of cognitive, motor, socialization, language, and self-esteem skills; it includes key developmental milestones and 185 play activities with step-by-step instructions. Contains 64 references. (SD)
AnmerkungenAllyn and Bacon/Simon and Schuster Education Group, 160 Gould Street, Needham Heights, MA 02194-2315; phone: 800-852-8024; world wide web: (Order No. H74156, $25.95, plus shipping).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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