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InstitutionMinnesota State Legislature, St. Paul.
TitelReport of the Legislative Commission on Children, Youth and Their Families (LCCYF) to the Minnesota Legislature, 1994.
Quelle(1994), (73 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterRecht; Agency Cooperation; Agency Role; Child Advocacy; Child Welfare; Childhood Needs; Children; Family (Sociological Unit); Integrated Services; Policy Formation; Political Issues; Public Policy; Research Committees; Social Services; State Agencies; State Legislation; State Programs; Minnesota
AbstractThis report summarizes the work of Minnesota's Legislative Commission on Children, Youth, and Their Families (LCCYF). The commission was established in 1991 to study state policy and legislation affecting children and their families, and to make recommendations to promote the present and future well-being of these groups. The report begins with an introduction, a vision statement, and background information on the commission. The next section presents highlights of LCCYF's work in 1994; it is followed by a narrative of LCCYF activities in 1994, including: coordination efforts; legislative improvements; consolidation of services; delivery of services; improving educational, social, and health care services; improving the practices of judicial, correctional, and social service agencies; delivery of funding; and evaluation of the need for a new cabinet level agency. This section is followed by a summary section of activities in the previous years of 1991-93. The final section, and bulk of the report, consists of eight appendixes which address: (1) the Commission Data Practices Bill; (2) excerpts of the Omnibus Data Practices Bill; (3) agendas of 1994 meetings; (4) tour schedules of family services collaboratives; (5) an executive summary of public hearings; (6) a draft of the Family Impact Checklist devised by LCCYF; (7) news articles on the commission's tours; and (8) news articles on an Inmate Survey report. (SD)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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