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Ariadne Pfad:


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Autor/inn/enPerna, Laura W.; Hudgins, Cynthia
TitelThe Graduate Assistantship: Facilitator of Graduate Students' Professional Socialization. ASHE Annual Meeting Paper.
Quelle(1996), (56 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAssistantships; Doctoral Degrees; Education Work Relationship; Faculty Advisers; Graduate Students; Graduate Study; Higher Education; Interprofessional Relationship; Mentors; Peer Influence; Professional Development; Qualitative Research; Research Assistants; Socialization; Student Employment; Student Financial Aid
AbstractThis qualitative study explored the professional socialization experiences of doctoral students enrolled in the school of education at a public research university with emphasis on the graduate assistantship as a mechanism for doctoral students' professional socialization, and the effect of financial concerns on graduate students' socialization were addressed. The study analyzed a variety of data including students' written personal reflections about their experiences as graduate students, interviews with three students, a focus group discussion with six students, participant observation, and a review of written documents. The study identified certain benefits received by doctoral students with research assistantships such as the provision of structurally-based opportunities for doctoral students to interact with and learn from faculty and of a ready-made peer group and associated informal socialization experiences. Research assistantships were also found to reduce students' financial concerns. (Contains 71 references.) (PRW)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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