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Literaturnachweis - Detailanzeige

Autor/inJackson, Elizabeth Lee
TitelA Comparison of 1994 Mississippi Science Fair Winners and Nonwinners at the Local, Regional, and State Levels of Competition.
Quelle(1995), (27 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterCompetition; Computers; Elementary Secondary Education; Questionnaires; Science Fairs; Science Projects; Mississippi
AbstractThe purpose of this ex-post facto study was to determine whether or not all students have an equitable chance of winning in science fair competitions. Winners and nonwinners at local, regional, and state levels of 1994 Mississippi science fair competitions were compared for the following variables: project cost, status of participation (voluntary or required and graded or ungraded), computer and/or word processor utilization, location of computer and/or word processor used, utilization of outside help, and parental educational level and occupation. A stratified random sampling technique was utilized to select subjects (N=372). Data were collected via a questionnaire developed specifically for the study and sent to parents of the sample contestants. Quantitative analysis of the data indicate that all students do not have an equitable chance of winning in science fair competitions. At all levels, students using a computer and/or word processor for project preparation have a better chance of winning and having this equipment in the home is advantageous. At the state level, students receiving outside help are more likely to win. At the regional levels, contestants participating voluntarily, having higher project costs, and college educated parents employed in professional occupations have a better chance of winning. Contains 11 references. (Author/JRH)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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