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Sonst. PersonenNorwood, Marcella M. (Hrsg.)
InstitutionUniversity of West Florida, Pensacola.; Wisconsin Univ. - Stout, Menomonie.; Houston Univ., TX.
TitelMarketing Education National Research Conference Report (Galveston, Texas, April 16-18, 1993).
Quelle(1993), (147 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterTagungsbericht; Beginning Teachers; Curriculum Development; Distributive Education; Distributive Education Teachers; Educational Change; Educational Improvement; Educational Needs; Educational Research; Educational Trends; Job Satisfaction; Marketing; Models; Postsecondary Education; Professional Development; Retailing; School Attitudes; Student Organizations; Student Teachers; Teacher Attitudes; Teacher Competencies; Tech Prep; Florida; Wisconsin
AbstractThis conference provided a forum for presenting research findings to educators and other audiences interested in marketing education. The following papers were presented: "Issues and Trends in Wisconsin Marketing Education" (Searle); "Competencies Necessary for Student Teachers" (Littman); "A Report of a Study of More than 1,000 Executives and the Implications of Their Views of Education on Tech Prep and the University" (Lucas et al.); "Work Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment of Marketing Education Teachers" (O'Brien, Akroyd, Richards); "The Conceptualization of a Professional Development Program for Beginning Vocational Teachers" (Heath-Camp, Camp); "Retail Sale Customers: Preparation and In-Store Behaviors" (Stewart); "Determining Specific Outcomes for a Curriculum" (Griggs, Stewart); "Restructuring Marketing Education in Florida: A Model for the Future" (Holmes); and "Comparison of DECA (Distributive Education Clubs of America) Winners and Membership at the National Level" (Norwood). Many papers contain bibliographies. (MN)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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