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Autor/inDoig, Brian
InstitutionAustralian Council for Educational Research, Hawthorn.
TitelThe Construction of a Long Variable of Conceptual Development in Social Education.
Quelle(1994), (47 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterCognitive Development; Comprehension; Concept Formation; Concept Teaching; Developmental Stages; Elementary Secondary Education; Foreign Countries; Generalization; Intellectual Development; Learning Processes; Australia
AbstractThis paper demonstrates a method for constructing long variables using items that elicit partically correct responses across ages. Long variables may be defined by students at different ages (year levels) attempting common items within a test containing other items considered to be appropriate for each age or year level. A developmental model of understanding is described in the form of vertically equating a student's response with expectations for increasing sophistication in the response range. A unit from the Victorian Social Education Study on the long variable of "cultural understanding" is provided to exemplify the technique. The paper demonstrates the use of the Rasch partial credit model for mapping student responses onto this continuum of cultural understanding. Stimulus material, items, sample responses, and the analysis are all outlined in detail. (EH)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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