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Ariadne Pfad:


Literaturnachweis - Detailanzeige

InstitutionBernard Van Leer Foundation, The Hague (Netherlands).
TitelTargetting Teenagers.
Quelle(1995) 77, (25 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAdolescents; Behavior Standards; Developed Nations; Developing Nations; Early Parenthood; Family Programs; Foreign Countries; Parenthood Education; Pregnancy; Pregnant Students; Prevention; Program Descriptions; Public Policy; Sex Education; Social Attitudes; Social Values; Sociocultural Patterns; Chile; Ireland; Jamaica; Kenya; New York (New York); Trinidad and Tobago; United States
AbstractThis theme issue of the Bernard van Leer Foundation newsletter focuses on the problem of teenage pregnancy and teenage parenthood in developing and developed nations, and examines the problems that teenage mothers face in different societies. It explores societal norms and values related to teenage parenting; the effects of teenage parents on children; socioeconomic circumstances related to teenage pregnancy; teenage marriage; pregnancy prevention programs; sex education; educational attitudes; self-esteem; and public policy. Separate sections focus on: (1) societal attitudes toward teenage pregnancy and parenthood in Kenya; (2) the experiences of a teenage mother in Ireland and the work of the Togher Family Centre in Cork; (3) the activities of the Vicaria de la Pastoral Social program in Chile, which is designed to improve the overall development of young children; (4) the Teenage Mothers Project in May Pen, Jamaica, which seeks to improve the prospects of teenage mothers and their children through education and job training; (5) the Adolescent Development Programme, a parenthood and sex education program in Trinidad; and (6) the Teen Parent Resource Center in New York City, which works with schools and other institutions to present pregnancy prevention and parenthood education programs. Contains 24 references. (MDM)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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