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Autor/inMatters, Lorine
InstitutionMissouri Univ., Kansas City. National Center of Extension Gerontology.; Community Education Center on Aging, Little Rock, AR.
TitelSeniors and Youth: Learning and Sharing. An Intergenerational Project Created and Conducted with the Tama County Iowa 4-H Clubs, Mesquaki Indian Settlement School, and the Cedar Falls Public Schools (1983-88).
Quelle(1989), (24 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterElementary Secondary Education; Extension Agents; Generation Gap; Intergenerational Programs; Learning Experience; Older Adults; Program Implementation; Rural Education; School Community Programs; Volunteers; Youth
AbstractThis document describes the intergenerational project conducted in the Cedar Falls Public School System (Iowa) that involved senior citizens and youths in a learning and sharing process. The county-based extension service supported by faculty at Iowa State University assisted in the recruitment and training of senior citizen volunteers. Implemented intergenerational activities include: (1) students developing interviewing skills by interviewing three senior volunteers; (2) celebrating Black History Month by inviting three Black senior citizens to tell students about their family histories; and (3) learning about pioneer days by involving senior volunteers in teaching students about whittling, candle dipping, genealogy, Indian history, Black history, quilting, and other traditional arts and crafts. Evaluation of the project indicated that 20 senior volunteers contributed more than 407 hours to the project. Over 600 students in grades 4-7 took part with 2,229 contact hours of teachers with students. Nine schools were involved, along with 3 principals, and 19 teachers. Recommendations for successful replication of this project include organizational guidelines such as creating an advisory board and conducting meetings with school administrators; suggestions for alternative subject-matter topics for intergenerational projects; and suggestions for financial resources. Appendices include documents such as program announcements and project evaluation forms. (LP)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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