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Autor/inSigmon, Scott B.
TitelCBT Theory and Its Application: A School Phobic Kindergarten Case.
Quelle(1991), (21 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterBehavior Modification; Case Studies; Counseling Techniques; Kindergarten; Kindergarten Children; Primary Education; School Phobia; Self Efficacy; Separation Anxiety
AbstractCognitive behavioral psychology is a new theoretical orientation and when applied in treatment it is known as cognitive behavior therapy (CBT). Theoretically CBT seeks primarily to change cognitions to alter behaviors and to modify cognitions to affect emotions. In general CBT is considered to be an information processing psychology because it suggests getting people to think differently about themselves and their lives after examining "data" in newly structured ways and then acting differently as a result of that process. This case study examined Bobby R., a 6-year old boy who, during an apparently successful kindergarten year, began suddenly to have great difficulty attending school. Bobby had a definite aversion to school unless at least one of his parents were present, and even then he had much trepidation over entering his kindergarten classroom. This situation had both of his parents extremely upset, and this impacted adversely on Bobby. Yet, Bobby stated strongly that he wanted to attend school. Bobby's contention was accepted easily because when later observed in kindergarten with a parent present, he participated fully and seemed rather happy. Thus, this situation was not only uncomfortable for Bobby personally, it also caused disruption within his family and school. This case was handled through a CBT orientation. After therapy Bobby was able to walk home from school without a parent and participated fully and appropriately with peers and teacher. His self efficacy grew and he began first grade without incidence. (Author/ABL)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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