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Autor/inn/enStansfield, Charles W.; Kenyon, Dorry Mann
InstitutionCenter for Applied Linguistics, Arlington, VA.
TitelDevelopment of Semi-Direct Tests of Oral Proficiency in Hausa, Hebrew, Indonesian and Portuguese.
Quelle(1990), (109 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterHausa; Hebrew; Indonesian; Language Proficiency; Language Tests; Oral Language; Test Construction; Test Format; Test Manuals; Test Validity; Uncommonly Taught Languages
AbstractThis project extended the application of a model for development of semi-direct tests of oral proficiency, originally developed for Chinese, to a diverse set of less commonly taught languages spanning various language families and representing diverse cultural backgrounds. This second, final report covers development of tests for Hebrew, Hausa, and Indonesian, each described separately. An introductory section gives an overview of the project and describes the prototypical form of the semi-direct test. For each language, the test development process is outlined in terms of major project activities, test form trials, validation studies, subject response to the test on questionnaires, and test operationalization, a process involving printing, reproduction of masters, and development of test manuals and examinee handbooks. A financial status report for the project is also included. The substantial appendixes include tests, therefore they are not appended. (MSE)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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