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Ariadne Pfad:


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InstitutionGreenville Technical Coll., SC.
TitelProject T.E.A.M. (Technical Education Advancement Modules). Training Methodology.
Quelle(1990), (93 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Unterricht; Lehrer; Career Choice; Career Education; Cooperative Programs; Curriculum Development; Demonstration Programs; Education Work Relationship; Employment Opportunities; Employment Potential; Employment Projections; Futures (of Society); Instructional Materials; Job Skills; Material Development; Program Development; Program Implementation; School Business Relationship; Technical Education; Technical Occupations; Technological Advancement; Technological Literacy; Two Year Colleges
AbstractProject TEAM (Technical Education Advancement Modules), a cooperative demonstration program for high technology training, created an introductory technical training program for unemployed, underemployed, and existing industrial employees needing upgrading and a consumer education package emphasizing the benefits of technical training. The curriculum and training focus of the project began with an assessment of employee needs in terms of the skill and aptitude requirements of industrial positions, especially in Greenville County, South Carolina. From this assessment, 15 training modules were developed. Some modules were generic and applicable to a variety of technical job categories; the remainder addressed employer-specific needs. This report describes the curriculum development and training focus of Project TEAM, which consisted of two phases: (1) the industry training certification program (a preemployment generic training package); and (2) in-plant training (specific courseware matched to individual company needs). This report contains a detailed description of the steps taken in developing the curriculum, along with sample documents from the project. Information included describes needs assessment; curriculum development and development of preemployment package; recruiting industry partners; public advertising/information distribution; assessment; training; job skills training/counseling; employment applications/interviews; in-house training; and remedial instruction. (KC)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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