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Autor/inDial-Driver, Emily
TitelFeldman and Newcomb's "Impact of College on Students": A Retrospective View/Relevance to the Community/Junior College. ASHE Annual Meeting Paper.
Quelle(1990), (18 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterRezension; Academic Ability; Academic Achievement; College Choice; Community Colleges; Enrollment; Higher Education; Nontraditional Students; Reentry Students; Student Adjustment; Student Characteristics; Trend Analysis; Two Year College Students
AbstractA literature review examined the student population of community/junior colleges in contrast to the population (mostly 4-year college students) of the empirical studies reviewed by Feldman and Newcomb for their book "The Impact of College on Students" (1989) and also examined the factors involved in student self-selection of college. Studies indicate that while other higher education enrollments were declining, most community/junior colleges were rising, and within that population of students, there was an increasing percentage of minority and non-traditional students. Studies also reveal the average community college student to be a non-traditional student (female) who is 28 years old, comes from a middle to lower socioeconomic background, and attends part-time. The effects of college on the non-traditional students are similar to the effects on traditional students in that there may be a break from family and local community as well as a tendency to develop an independence of spirit. Also, increased personal tempo, self-esteem, and confidence seem to be more easily attained within a community college environment. Variables such as intelligence, socioeconomic status, size and type of community of residence, size of family, race, and religion, still influence college choice and enrollment plans for all students. Contains six references. (GLR)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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