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Autor/inRoberts, Linda G.
TitelTraining of Teachers in the Instructional Use of Technology.
Quelle(1985), (94 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAudio Equipment; Computers; Educational Technology; Information Technology; Instructional Effectiveness; National Programs; Regional Programs; School Districts; State Programs; Teacher Education; Teaching Methods; Videodisks
AbstractThe purpose of this study was to survey current practices in training teachers to use audio, video, and computer technology in their classrooms, ascertain the usefulness of that training, and provide recommendations for the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) surveys in the area of educational technology. The introduction briefly summarizes the purposes and rationale for the study as well as the data collection process. The major finding--a predominant concern with training that dealt with computers--is also noted. Section two provides an overview of the assumptions that underlie training in the instructional uses of technology. Examples of training efforts are used to illustrate how these assumptions influence the design and provision of training. The next section discusses the roles of the various training providers and gives annotated descriptions of local school district technology projects, statewide technology training programs, regional technology training and support programs, and national demonstration projects on how new technology can contribute to learning, development and education. The report concludes with a discussion of some research questions that should be addressed in order to systematically examine the assumptions around which training practices are built, and to assess how training and support activities affect the instructional use of information technologies in the classroom. An annotated bibliography, selected references, and a list of persons interviewed are included. A chart summarizing state government efforts to promote instructional computing is appended. (DJR)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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