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Autor/inn/enBoadi, Benzies Y.; und weitere
InstitutionGerman Foundation for International Development, Bonn (West Germany), Education, Science and Documentation Div.
TitelIntroduction to Librarianship and Documentation. Teaching and Learning Material for the Long Vacation Courses at the University of Botswana 1984 to 1987.
Quelle(1987), (204 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Unterricht; Lernender; Cataloging; Developing Nations; Foreign Countries; Indexing; Library Administration; Library Education; Library Personnel; Library Science; Library Services; Professional Training; Public Libraries; Reference Services; Africa
AbstractDeveloped with the support of the German Foundation for International Development (DSE) and the University of Botswana (Africa), this five-week "long vacation" training program includes four modules designed to provide refresher and in-service training for those library assistants who have work experience but have not been able to attend formal classes in their profession. Offered by the Department of Library Studies of the University of Botswana since 1984, the course is open to candidates from all anglophone countries of the Eastern and Southern African subregion and is intended to impart basic professional knowledge to participants in classification, cataloging and indexing, management and administration, and bibliographic and information resources and techniques. The modules, which are designed to be presented during several class sessions, provide text, exercises, and suggestions for further reading. Modules include: (1) "Introduction to Libraries and Information" (Benzies Y. Boadi); (2) "Bibliographic and Information Resources and Techniques" (Frank Gibbons); (3) "Management and Administrative Studies" (Kingo J. Mchombu); and (4) "Practical Classification, Cataloguing and Indexing" (J. Richard Neill). (Author/KM)
AnmerkungenGerman Foundation for International Development, Hans-Bockler Str.5, 5300 Bonn 3, West Germany (free while supply lasts).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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