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Autor/inGrunig, Larissa Schneider
TitelShattering the "Glass Ceiling" in Journalism Education: Sex Discrimination in Promotion and Tenure.
Quelle(1987), (39 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterTagungsbericht; College Faculty; Employer Employee Relationship; Equal Opportunities (Jobs); Faculty College Relationship; Faculty Evaluation; Faculty Promotion; Higher Education; Job Satisfaction; Journalism Education; Sex Discrimination; Tenured Faculty; Women Faculty
AbstractAn informal study examined the disparate treatment in tenure and promotion decisions women journalism educators may receive because of their sex, as well as the adverse impact of such discriminatory patterns and practices on the women themselves, on their departments, and on their students. To gather information related to possible instances of discrimination in tenure and promotion, both men and women in the journalism department of a major public university, tenured and nontenured, were interviewed in depth, relevant literature was reviewed, and statistical data related to tenure were also examined. The journalism department of 21 full-time faculty members employs one tenured woman, as opposed to 12 tenured men, a situation that is consistent with campuses across the country. Findings showed a pattern of bias, misunderstanding, and insensitivity that contributes directly and indirectly to women's chances for success in higher education. The primary source of inequality seemed to be the small number of women on the typical faculty, especially considering the large number of female journalism students. Related problems included tokenism, a heavier advising load for women, lack of role models for both faculty and students who are women, and few opportunities for sharing resources and information, mentoring, networking, and coalition building. (A list of 37 references is appended.) (NKA)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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