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Autor/inn/enCrossley, Michael; Burns, Robin
TitelCase Study in Comparative and International Education: An Approach to Bridging the Theory-Practice Gap.
Quelle(1983), (20 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterStellungnahme; Case Studies; Comparative Education; Educational Practices; Educational Theories; Information Needs; International Education; International Studies; Naturalistic Observation; Research Methodology; Research Utilization; Sociocultural Patterns
AbstractCase study research, as presented here, is a way to interrelate the theory and practice of education and to improve the contributions of comparative and international research studies. This paper argues that there are four levels of concern in comparative and international education: the development and transmission of ideas about education; the sociocultural context in which education takes place; the system for organizing and disseminating educational practices; and the individual institutions where education occurs. It is asserted that the case study methodology can be valuable at all these levels of inquiry, offering comparativists a way of using analyses of each level in multi-dimensional studies. Further, it is argued that the case study helps to bridge the theory-practice gap in comparative and international education by de-emphasizing the national arena and focusing on the international and home arenas in a practical, day-to-day context. (CG)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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