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Autor/inLicata, Betty Jo
TitelNew Technology Implementation and Use: Workers' Attitudes and Behaviors.
Quelle(1984), (24 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterAdministrator Role; Attitude Change; Automation; Change Strategies; Computers; Data Processing; Employee Attitudes; Human Resources; Job Simplification; Man Machine Systems; Office Machines; Office Management; Office Occupations; Organizational Change; Organizational Communication; Personnel Policy; Postsecondary Education; Productivity; Quality of Life; Technological Advancement; Word Processing; Work Attitudes; Work Environment
AbstractAutomated office technologies, such as office automation systems, management information systems, teleconferencing, message systems, and robotics, are providing momentum for the trend towards the "paperless office" by allowing new means of carrying out office tasks and aiding in the management of time, data, and messages. The success of these systems depends on how effectively they are introduced into the office. Such efforts as solicitation of employee input are needed to overcome resistance to change and encourage acceptance of the new technology. The potential impact of a new technology should be studied both at the micro level (of the individual and his/her performance changes, job satisfaction, stress level, and attitude toward the job and the technology), and at the macro level (including changes in organizational efficiency, departmental interactions, quality of work life, and changing patterns of work). Potential impacts can be either positive or negative. Positive impacts include improved intellectual performance, increased work discipline, reduction in wasted time, increased efficiency, increased timing and control, increased visibility, increased quantity and quality of work, increased flexibility of time and location of work, and improved quality of work life. Negative impacts include boredom, problems of dependency and stress, feelings of isolation, decrease in organizational loyalty, decrease in quantity and quality of social interactions, and decrease in the quality of work life. The task of the human resources development/management professional is to investigate the changes that are occurring throughout the organization in order to aid workers in integrating the new technology into their work lives. (KC)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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